The Class Reunions
The 10th

The class officers claimed to have bankrolled a little nest egg and decided to spend it all on the 10th.  I knew this before a lot of my classmates as I helped stuff the mailers.  The event cost just $25, a slight markup from five years before.  The reunion was held September 24th in the famed Garden Court at the Sheraton Palace Hotel just south of Market in San Francisco.  We had not entered the Regan years, but it sure felt that we had.  My appearance must not have changed much in ten years as my fellow classmates recognized me instantly.  I still got called by my old nickname (a variation on the pronunciation of my last name) by a friend who never got it right.  As in the previous reunion, I attended this reunion alone.  This gave me a chance to mingle a little more and get to know some of my classmates whom I really never knew.  I actually got to dance a few times with someone I would never have been able to ten years prior.


I don't remember much about the previous reunion other than the fact that I drove out of the Holiday Inn garage in my car without having to pay for the parking.  For the 10th reunion however, we received a softbound booklet compiled from a survey and a photo album.  Click HERE for the scanned pages of that booklet.


Of course with a photo album one could order a picture, and of course I couldn't resist.  It was a very memorable evening and I looked forward to the next reunion.  I had set a goal of attaining the elusive "American Dream" by 1993.  That dream would be a spouse, two kids, a house, two cars and a great job.